Investors, are YOUR start-up and technology investments keeping you up at night?

Technology Investments

As investors, when deciding which start-up or technology to invest in you are making decisions based on the likelihood that you will either get your money back or more importantly make more money based on these investments. Well, the odds are not in your favor. Considering the statistics, most entrepreneurs will not succeed, or it will take them several attempts before they do.

Game-changing market disruptions are generally the exception and not the rule. This does not bode well for your investment and potential profitability.

But… there is hope! As an investor, you can exponentially increase your odds of success with the companies and technologies within your portfolio through a parallel investment in Human-Centered Design strategies.

It is a misnomer that a business leads a market because they are innovative, they lead because they focus on the human user, the user’s needs, the design, and the integrated experience effectively. That means that innovation is not the condition or the catalyst, it is the end state realized when the human element is effectively considered as part of the business strategy. This applies to the organization and how it operates and how the organization designs products, services and environments to meet customer needs (Rando et al., 2017).”

In many cases, entrepreneurs fall victim to developing technology that builds a better mousetrap or is lured into thinking that the act of advancing technology will drive business success and user acceptance automatically.

The reality check: business and product/service/technology innovation are contingent on those we develop the solutions for and the real problems we solve.  Investors can increase their odds of a return on their investments by partnering with Human-Centered Design firms, such as Sophic Synergistics LLC. We work with investor start-ups and technology portfolio companies/organizations to optimize market success and user need actualization. By following our methodology, we guarantee innovative products and user problems solved!

Sophic Synergistics LLC is a consulting firm that developed the Human-Centered Design Business Strategy model and seeks to improve the practice by spurring innovation through the principles of Human-Centered Design as a business methodology utilizing the SOPHIC Conceptual Model (SCM). HFES Conference Proceedings Publication-Better Business By Design: Introduction to the SOPHIC Conceptual Model, Austin, Texas (2017)

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